DO 1 THING is a FREE 5 day program for busy people. This week learn how to find your purpose, grow your business or improve your life. This one is on me... 100% free.

9 Jan 2018 in Uncategorized


If you have not yet signed up for your free 5 day DO 1 THING program, which helps busy people make positive change in their work and life, then insert your details at the top of this page to get started. 

If you are a DO 1 THINGER, how are you going defining your purpose? There’s an interesting thing that happens when people get clear about their primary reason for existence through the Get Purpose process. It tends to awaken a drive deep within them to do something different. And this usually comes with a sense of urgency.

Many people speak about the freedom they feel from knowing why they are here. It’s as though a veil of thick cloud (that we can call uncertainty) is lifted and replaced with the blue skies of authentic knowing. With this liberated emotional state, people often then start weighing up their current work environment and asking themselves bigger questions. Is this job the right one for me? Do I really want to stay in this type of role for another few decades? And for some folks, the logical progression is to explore starting up their own business.

Over the past 15 years I have helped many people both get clarity about their purpose and then launch businesses, based on the idea that a purpose needs to be expressed in the world for it to mean anything.

In April 2017, I gave a talk at UTS business school, as part of the launch of Newco Sydney. I reflected on how the ways in which we work is transforming, and what topics would help people grow. The talk illustrates the 8 skills solopreneurs must build to be successful, and I was lucky that my good mate Rich was able to film it. And in case you’re wondering, a solopreneur is an entrepreneur who runs their business as a sole operator. I have been flying solo for 15 years. I love my business model, because it gives me the autonomy I need and a lifestyle full of freedom. If you’re one of those people who are considering starting up a business, I think you’ll find some useful gems in this film.




You can watch part 2 of the talk here. If you want to talk to me about my Start Up Mentoring program, send me an email and tell me about your business idea.




If you want to know more about me, watch my TED talk. And if you are seeking help with something, call or email to book in your free consultation, and lets start the dialogue.

Call (+61) 02 8402 2086. Email

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