DO 1 THING is a FREE 5 day program for busy people. This week learn how to find your purpose, grow your business or improve your life. This one is on me... 100% free.

4 Jan 2018 in Uncategorized


This tool is part of a free 5 day program called DO 1 THING, which helps busy people make positive changes in their work and life. If you haven’t signed up yet and want to get a range of tools and inspiring films, which empower you to live and work more consciously, simply insert your name and email above, then check your inbox every day for the next 5 days.

Today we focus on purpose. You may have read something already about living a life of purpose. Even though it’s an age-old concept, it’s getting a lot of press lately. Purpose is your primary reason for existence. It’s why you are here. In my 2014 TEDx Manly talk ’10 questions I asked the ocean’, I explained that to find your purpose, you need to look beneath the surface. This tool will get you started. It would be a good idea to watch my TEDx talk first, which you can do below.

Uncovering your purpose not only increases your level of motivation, but it could also see you carving out a new career pathway for yourself. As such, if you’re currently demotivated at work, or considering what your next move will be, this tool might be the 1 THING you can do this week to improve your life. If you’re already a DO 1 THINGER, the tool has been emailed to you. Most people gain great benefit from talking through their purpose with someone. If you’re interested in finding out more about my mentoring programs, get in touch with me here.



If you want to know more about me, watch my TED talk. And if you are seeking help with something, call or email to book in your free consultation, and lets start the dialogue.

Call (+61) 02 8402 2086. Email

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